Investment patterns on Shark Tank India

Shark Tank India has been a popular television show that has helped to showcase some of the successful entrepreneurs and investors in the country. It is no doubt that companies benefit a lot from appearing on Shark Tank, getting a funding from sharks not only boosts the company's potential financially but also their brand value. One of the most interesting aspects of the show is the investment patterns of the Sharks. By analyzing the investment patterns on Shark Tank India, aspiring entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights into what types of businesses and pitches are likely to attract investment, and what strategies they can use to maximize their chances of securing funding.

One common investment pattern on Shark Tank India is that the Sharks tend to focus on businesses that have the potential for high growth and scalability. This means that businesses with innovative ideas and strong growth potential are more likely to attract investment from the Sharks. Additionally, the Sharks are often interested in businesses that have a clear and well-defined market, as this helps to ensure that there is demand for the product or service being offered.

Meeting the Sharks

Shark Tank India has brought together some of the most successful entrepreneurs and investors in the country, who have become household names due to their appearances on the show. The Sharks featured on the show in both Season 1 and 2 are known for their experience, expertise, and willingness to invest in promising businesses.
Note: Click on the images to know more about them
Pyeush Bansal

Peyush Bansal, Co-founder

Aman Gupta

Aman Gupta, Co-founder

Anupam Mittal

Anupam Mittal, founder

Vineeta Singh

Vineeta Singh, co-founder
Sugar Cosmatics

Namita Thappar

Namita Thappar, CEO
Emcure Pharmaceuticals

Gazal Alagh

Gazal Alagh, Co-founder

Amit Jain

Amit Jain, Co-founder
CarDekho Group

Ashneer Grover

Ashneer Grover, Founder

An overview of the investment

Our first step of exploration is knowing how many companies that appeared on Shark Tank got investments from Shark on TV. Through analyzing the investment patterns, it is apparent that not all companies are able to secure funding from the Sharks. While some businesses are able to successfully secure investment, others do not receive any offers. In the below chart we see that out of 320 companies that appeared on Shark Tank 216 of it received offers from the Sharks, that is 72%. It means that there are high possibility of receiving an offer from the sharks. Out of these companies, 81.5% accepted the offer made my sharks possibly after negotitaions. 18.5% of the companies did not accept the offer from the sharks. Overall we see that Food industry dominates all categories.

Note: this is an interactive chart, click on the surfaces of the category to navigate back and forth

Diving into the Industries Favored by Shark

The industries that sharks invest in vary widely and depend on the sharks's personal interests and expertise. Some sharks may focus on tech startups, while others may prefer to invest in real estate, retail, or healthcare. Additionally, some sharks may have a preference for investing in companies that align with their values or have a strong social mission. Ultimately, the investment decisions made by sharks are influenced by a combination of personal preference, market trends, and the potential for a high return on investment. With this below chart, we will understands what industries interests sharks.
In this article, we will follow Shark Peyush Bansal to understand his investment pattern. From the below chart we can see that Peyush is the second highest investor on Shark Tank India. He has a very diverse portfolio and is one of two only sharks that have invested in Agricultural companies. He is really interested in Service industry with 17.3% of his total investment being in Service based companies. Followed by Medical/Health with comprises of 17% of his investmment on Shark Tank India.

Note: The number mentioned on the chart represents the amount(Lakhs, In INR)each shark has invested

Exploring the Companies Backed by Sharks

Once we indentify a shark's preferred industry, the next step is to explore the companies they have invested in previously. This research can provide valuable insights into the type of businesses that appeal to the sharks. By analyzing shark's investment history, it is possible to identify some common themes or patterns that can be used for cater your pitch to that particular shark.
Previously, we identified the industries Peyush has invested the most in terms of amount. Here, we will explore the companies that Peyush has invested in. Knowing the companies and doing research about the pitches made by the companies will give a better picture about what Peyush looks for in an entrepreneur. You can also explore the industries that specific company belongs to by identifying the color of the bin in the color legend.

Note: Select Shark of your choice from the dropdown provided below and also click on the bins of the bar chart to navigate to the company's website.

Sharks and Investment Strategy: Analyzing their Mutual and Individual Investments

Let us analyze if our sharks like to invest Individually or prefer a collaborator. Having multiple Sharks can benefit the company as they will have multiple mentors to support and guide them. There is no doubt that startups also hope to get multiple sharks on board to grow their companies. In the chart below, we can explore the companies that got joint investments from sharks and the ones that got Individual investments. A line between a big blue circle and the smaller ones indicates that the company got investment from that particular shark. If the company is attached to more than one shark then it means that the corresponding sharks are investors in that company.
Continuing our exploration of Peyush's investment, in the below chart we can see the companies that Peyush, Aman, and Vineeta have invested in together and Individually. We can see that Peyush has an almost equal amount of partnered and Individual investments.

Note: Select Sharks and industries of your choice by clicking on the checkbox, if a checkbox is selected then click on it to deselect the option. Hover over the lines to highlight and hover over the circles to know company and Shark's name.



Unpacking the Investment Decisions of Sharks

Lets peel another layer of investment patterns by our sharks. Although the chart above was cool and fun to play with, we lacked the exact count of companies that the sharks have invested in collaboratively and Individually. In this below chart, we will unpack the exact number of companies a shark has invested invested in. We will also see how has had the most joint investment, by this we will discover who likes to partnership with a particular shark.
Since this chart is unconventional, we will be walking through it by taking Peyush as our interest shark. Below we see that the chart in the image shows all the shark's on the left and the number of companies they have invested in on the left. As the chart is divided into seasons, we will be focusing on Season 2. This shows us that Peyush has invested in 7 companies Individually.

Count of Peyush's season 2 individual investments

In this next image, we will see what has been count of companies that Peyush has invested in with just one other shark.

Count of Peyush's season 2 individual investments

In the following image, we will see what has been the count of companies that Peyush has invested in with two other shark.

Count of Peyush's season 2 individual investments

In the below image, we see the count of the companies that Peyush has invested in with 3 other sharks i.e., the count of companies that has 4 sharks invested in them.

Count of Peyush's season 2 individual investments

In the below image, we see the count of the companies that Peyush has invested in with 4 other sharks i.e., the count of companies that has 5 sharks invested in them.

Count of Peyush's season 2 individual investments

Exploring by Season and Shark's involved

Here's an interactive chart to customize your choices for the above exploration stages.

Note: Select Season number and the slide the range number to change the number of sharks involved in deals
In conclusion, we hope you enjoyed exploring Investment patterns on Shark Tank India at different stages and increasing granularity. As we delved deeper into the data, we discovered some interesting insights into the investment behavior of the Sharks.
we noticed that the Sharks had a diverse investment portfolio, with investments spanning across various sectors such as healthcare, technology, consumer goods, and many more. This indicates that they were open to investing in different industries, provided the business idea was compelling and had strong growth potential.
Furthurmore, we also saw that sharks that prefer investing with a peer shark. This will not only cut down their risk but the company will also benefit a lot from having two sharks on board as investors.

We hope that our charts provided a good medium for entrepreneurs and investors alike to derive insights and understand the Investment pattern on Shark Tank India.

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